The Emotional Meaning Behind A Virus
“And while we are locked inside, waters get clearer; the air becomes cleaner; trees stop being cut and animals can live in peace for a while. Not sure if this is the best moment to say it, but nature is so magical that she is cleaning herself.
We are living something historical: the year in which the Earth made the world stop.”
We generally think that diseases are something external that is attacking us. That is because we approach life from a paradigm of separation. There's me, and then there's "the outside" ⇒ everything is not me, which is not only separated from me but different.
From a Bioneuroemotion ® perspective, a physical symptom is not an enemy but a possibility to restore balance.
Illnesses always bring up all that is subconscious, a message for us to be honest with ourselves. And instead of resisting it, the invitation is to acknowledge it, accept it and change our consciousness and the way of perceiving ourselves in order to evolve.
Illnesses are life lessons. This virus is wanting to bring balance.
A virus is a microorganism only visible with a microscope, and it can only reproduce if it is inside a living cell. It needs life to thrive.
A virus invades a body, it is an external stimulus that brings new information for us to integrate. New data for our DNA.
For the body to let a virus in, there has to be an imbalance.
And that is the place where there is new information we need to integrate.
This virus, in particular, attacks the lungs. The place where we hold air. The capacity to inhale and exhale is what keeps us alive. Our ability to receive life. Problems in the lungs generally imply suffering of being alive in that particular moment. And the Earth is clearly struggling with our way of living.
Lungs need oxygen to breathe. Trees create oxygen. And trees have been burnt. Nine hundred six thousand hectares were lost with the Amazonian bushfire, and 6.3 million hectares of land have been affected by the fires in Australia. Is this virus mirroring what's going on with the planet?
With this virus our lungs could suffer, and the lungs of the Earth are aching as well.
This virus is affecting the lungs of the whole world. At the moment, 143 of 195 countries have been affected. That is 73.33% of the world.
Air is an element that can't be divided. You can't have your slice of air, and I can't have mine. Air connects us with the whole. The air we breathe is the same that surrounds everything that exists.
Our breath unifies us with the whole. There's no way we can separate my air from your air. Air is something that unites us, but now we have to be careful of the air we breathe. We are all connected.
The way we have been relating to our environment has been dualistic and separate. We are disconnected from everything that is happening outside ourselves and our lives. Everything is seen as an external manifestation. This virus came here to teach us, and that evolution has to be done as a collective.
This is our opportunity as humanity to go back inside, to our houses, our families, our inner selves, reflect and evolve!!! If we do what’s needed, if we take this time to reflect on how we are consuming, living, loving and relating, we are safe.
The most important process we need to do is to accept this reality and comprehend this is a collective experience. We need to heal collectively. It is not about fear or judgement. Is about acceptance and humility to learn. The Earth is always in perfect balance.
"Marshall Burke, a researcher at Stanford University, calculated the improvements in air quality recorded in China might have saved the lives of 4,000 children under five years old and 73,000 adults over 70. Even more conservative estimates would put the number of lives saved at roughly 20 times the number of deaths from the virus directly."
Let’s learn about true interconnectedness. Everything we do modifies our environment, and the environment is continually changing us. At both the molecular and spiritual levels, we are all one. This is a moment for us to learn we are ultimately connected, so the notion of competition the system is trying to create disappears, giving way to cooperation and unity. In this state, since I am you, what happens to you happens to me. How can we live in a way that is less harmful to our planet and humanity?
"Pull one string here, and it affects everything else," said Christopher Jones, a climate policy expert at the University of California, Berkeley.
Focus on the positive effects of this situation. How can this virus teach you? How is this for you? How can you use it?
This virus started in a place of the planet that was completely polluted due to mass production and productivity. Funny enough, that place is now much less polluted.
"Under its Paris Agreement pledges, Beijing has promised to hit peak emissions by 2030. So for the next decade, they're only going to go up. Yet suddenly, this colossal, coal-powered economy has slashed emissions by 25%, according to numbers crunched by Lauri Myllyvirta at the University of Helsinki's Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air."
This is an opportunity to make our mental health stronger, and we get stronger by doing hard things. Your brain is always seeking for danger to keep you alive. And now, it will find many reasons to freak out. That is fine; it's trying to protect you. But what can you do?
Take a step back and make your own choices. Take the precautions needed from a place of love and compassion and then manage your mind. Take back the power of our thinking because the temptation will be to linger in the suffering.
If we feel fear we vibrate low, our immune system weakens and we get more vulnerable to getting sick. The element of air is asking us to detach from our personal actions and our inability to cooperate effectively working as one. The element air is a unifying quality, and the way we are relating to the Earth now needs to change from an individual to a collective perspective.
"The understanding of living in unity carries with it tremendous power. When enough people understand we are truly one and release the perception of separateness, we can achieve a critical mass of uplifting consciousness that will not only benefit our own lives but also help us heal the world." - Deepak Chopra.
We need to consciously decide what we want to feed our brain with, and how we want to think. What do you want to believe about this?
I think this virus is aiming to raise human consciousness to a completely different level for us to evolve.
The question is:
How can you be a part of the solution?
If you are feeling stressed and need to talk about it book your
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I am also going to announce some free tools soon :)
Photo credit: CDC, Robina Weermeijer, Martin Dawson, James Coleman, freestocks.